Account Token Webhook Payloads
This page describes the webhook payloads related to Account Tokens.
Account Token Webhook Events
The Account Token webhook module includes webhook notifications for the following events:
- AccountToken.MerchantTokenCreated - This payload notification is sent when a new account token is successfully created in the system.
- AccountToken.MerchantTokenUpdated - This payload notification is sent when an existing account token is modified. It helps in monitoring and recording changes to token account token details.
- AccountToken.MerchantTokenDeactivated - This payload notification is sent with the deactivation of an account token. It highlights when a token is no longer valid or active for use in transactions.
Account Token Webhook Payload Fields
The following table provides a reference to the fields included in Account Token webhook payloads.
Field | Data Type | Description | MinLength | MaxLength |
EventCode | Enumeration | MerchantTokenCreated, MerchantTokenUpdated, MerchantTokenDeactivated | 1 | 36 | EventDateTime | string | Date and time of event. | 36 | 36 |
EventBody | array | Detailed information related to the account token event. | N/A | N/A |
- MerchantId | string | Unique identifier of merchant | 8 | 8 |
- AccountToken | string | Unique identifier of AccountToken | 1 | 50 |
- CardBrand | string | Card brand | 1 | 8 |
- ExpiryMonth | string | Expiration month of card | 2 | 2 |
- ExpiryYear | string | Expiration year of card | 2 | 2 |
- MaskedAccountNumber | string | Masked Account Number | 8 | 8 |
- NameOnAccount | string | Name On Account | 1 | 50 |
- NotificationType | Enumeration | MerchantTokenCreated, MerchantTokenUpdated, MerchantTokenDeactivated | 36 | 36 |
- NotificationDate | string | Unique identifier of Notification | 36 | 36 |
- TimeZone | string | Time Zone for NotificationDate | 8 | 8 |
AdditionalFields | string | Additional metadata values related to the webhook | 1 | 100 |
Signature | string | HMAC value used to validate webhook | 1 | 100 |
Payload Example: Account Token Created
"EventCode": "MerchantTokenCreated",
"EventDateTime": "12-14-2023 19:42:50",
"EventBody": {
"MerchantId": "4bvl9KxM",
"AccountToken": "RPYGLDBW10MPD5ZK",
"CardBrand": "VISA",
"ExpiryMonth": "03",
"ExpiryYear": "30",
"MaskedAccountNumber": "****0008",
"NameOnAccount": "Onkar",
"NotificationType": "MerchantTokenCreated",
"NotificationDate": "12-14-2023 19:42:50",
"TimeZone": "Eastern"
"AdditionalFields": "",
"Signature": null