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Account Token Webhook Payloads

This page describes the webhook payloads related to Account Tokens.

This page describes the webhook payloads related to Account Tokens.

Account Token Webhook Events

The Account Token webhook module includes webhook notifications for the following events:

  • AccountToken.MerchantTokenCreated - This payload notification is sent when a new account token is successfully created in the system.
  • AccountToken.MerchantTokenUpdated - This payload notification is sent when an existing account token is modified. It helps in monitoring and recording changes to token account token details.
  • AccountToken.MerchantTokenDeactivated - This payload notification is sent with the deactivation of an account token. It highlights when a token is no longer valid or active for use in transactions.

Account Token Webhook Payload Fields

The following table provides a reference to the fields included in Account Token webhook payloads.

Field Data Type Description MinLength MaxLength
EventCode Enumeration MerchantTokenCreated, MerchantTokenUpdated, MerchantTokenDeactivated 1 36
EventDateTime string Date and time of event. 36 36
EventBody array Detailed information related to the account token event. N/A N/A
- MerchantId string Unique identifier of merchant 8 8
- AccountToken string Unique identifier of AccountToken 1 50
- CardBrand string Card brand 1 8
- ExpiryMonth string Expiration month of card 2 2
- ExpiryYear string Expiration year of card 2 2
- MaskedAccountNumber string Masked Account Number 8 8
- NameOnAccount string Name On Account 1 50
- NotificationType Enumeration MerchantTokenCreated, MerchantTokenUpdated, MerchantTokenDeactivated 36 36
- NotificationDate string Unique identifier of Notification 36 36
- TimeZone string Time Zone for NotificationDate 8 8
AdditionalFields string Additional metadata values related to the webhook 1 100
Signature string HMAC value used to validate webhook 1 100

Payload Example: Account Token Created

"EventCode": "MerchantTokenCreated",
"EventDateTime": "12-14-2023 19:42:50",
"EventBody": {
"MerchantId": "4bvl9KxM",
"AccountToken": "RPYGLDBW10MPD5ZK",
"CardBrand": "VISA",
"ExpiryMonth": "03",
"ExpiryYear": "30",
"MaskedAccountNumber": "****0008",
"NameOnAccount": "Onkar",
"NotificationType": "MerchantTokenCreated",
"NotificationDate": "12-14-2023 19:42:50",
"TimeZone": "Eastern"
"AdditionalFields": "",
"Signature": null