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Secure Payments

POST Create Secure Payment Request

The Secure Payments API enables merchants to integrate AndDone payment processing functionality into their existing applications.

The Secure Payments API enables merchants to integrate AndDone payment processing functionality into their existing applications. Using the API, merchants can directly submit two types of payment transactions:

  • Payment Intent - This type of payment transaction is used when a payment intent has been generated for multi-step transactions. Payment Intent type transactions require a payment intent token. See Using Payment Intents for more information.
  • Open Payment - An open payment is a single-step payment transaction that does not require a payment intent. See Using Open Payments for more information.

Webhook Notifications: This API supports webhook notifications for real-time tracking of payment trasactions. To receive notifications, subscribe to the Transaction webhook module in the AndDone Merchant Portal. For detailed payload and event information, see Transaction Webhook Payloads.

API Versioning

  • Version 2.1 Comprises the base functionality for creating a secure payment request.
  • Version 2.2: Adds the ability for merchants to suppress the AndDone technology fee on payment transactions.
API Endpoint
API Data Details
URI secure/payments
Method POST
Authorization API Key Authorization
x-api-key API key {env_merchantAccessKey}
Request Headers
x-app-key Merchant ID or App Key {env_merchantId}
x-version API version (e.g., 2.1)
Origin URL or IP address provided to AndDone as an allowed origin.
Content-Type application/json

API Version 2.1

Request Parameters (v2.1)

Field Name Data Type Mandatory Field Length Description

Body Request Example (JSON)


Response Parameters (v2.1)

Body Response Example (JSON)


API Version 2.2

Version 2.2 of POST Create Secure Payment Request adds the suppressTechnologyFee parameter. This parameter enables merchants to suppress the AndDone technology fee so that it is not assessed on the payment transaction.

Request Parameters (v2.2)

Field Name Data Type Mandatory Field Length Description
token String true NA The paymentToken returned by the payment intent request. It associates the secure payment transaction with the payment intent. This token can be used only once. This value is required for PaymentIntent type requests.
type String false NA Indicates the type of payment transaction. Accepted values are PaymentIntent, OpenPayment, AnytimePayment, PaymentLink.
paymentReference String true NA The unique merchant-provided transaction ID. This value is required for OpenPayment transactions.
suppressTechnologyFee Boolean False NA This parameter enables authorized merchants to suppress the AndDone technology fee on Open Payment, Payment Intent, and Payment Link transactions. If set to true, the technology fee is not assessed on the transaction. If set to false, the technology fee is assessed on the transaction. This parameter does not apply to Anytime Payment transactions.
transactionCode String true NA This code is always set to 'Web'.
billingContact Object false NA Billing Contact Information
name Object NA NA NA
firstName String false NA First Name
lastName String false NA Last Name
address Object NA NA NA
addressLine1 String false NA Address line 1 (e.g., street, PO Box, or company name)
addressLine2 String false NA Address line 2 (e.g., apartment, suite, unit, or building)
city String false NA City
state String false NA State
country Number false NA Country
postalCode String false NA Postal Code
timeZone String false NA Time Zone
channelType String true NA Indicates the method of payment used for the transaction. Accepted Values are CreditCard, DebitCard, or ACH
tenderInfo Object true NA This object contains the details about the customer's payment account.
bankName String true NA Bank Name (ACH)
accountNumber String true NA Account Number (ACH)
routingNumber String true NA Routing Number (ACH)
accountType String false NA Account type - Checking or Savings (ACH)
checkNumber String false NA Check Number (ACH)
accountHolderName String true NA Account Holder Name (ACH)
nameOnCheck String false NA Name on Check (ACH)
cardHolderName String true NA Card Holder Name (Credit/Debit)
cardType String true NA The card brand - e.g., Visa, Mastercard, Discover, etc. (Credit/Debit)
cardNumber String true NA Card Number (Credit/Debit)
cardExpiry String true NA Card expiration month and year - MMYY (Credit/Debit)
cVData Number true NA Card Verification Code - CVC (Credit/Debit)
cVDataStatus String true NA cVDataStatus (Credit/Debit)
removeDiscounting Boolean false NA Boolean value indicating if discounting is to be removed or not. If set to false, the Technology Fee is added to the payment amount. If set to true, the Technology Fee is NOT added to the transaction.
amount Number true NA The payment amount.
createAccountToken Boolean false NA Boolean value indicating whether the payment method is to be tokenized. This is set to true when the customer has opted to save their payment information for future use.
accountToken String true NA In transactions using a tokenized payment method, this is the token representing the customer’s account information.
remarks String false NA
additionalFields Object false NA Additonal Information
policyNumber String false NA Policy Number

Body Request Example (JSON)

    "PaymentReference": "PMT-543216827",
    "suppressTechnologyFee": true,
    "type": "OpenPayment",
    "tenderInfo": {
        "amount": 278,
        "cardHolderName": "John Doe",
        "cardType": "VISA",
        "cardNumber": "XXXX 5000 0000 0008",
        "cardExpiry": "0330",
        "cvDataStatus": "AV",
        "cvData": 737,
        "removeDiscounting": false
    "transactionCode": "Web",
    "channelType": "CreditCard",
    "billingcontact": {
        "phone": "8003213388",
        "name": {
            "firstname": "John",
            "lastname": "Doe"
        "address": {
            "addressLine1": "30",
            "addressLine2": "Memorial Drive",
            "city": "Avon ",
            "state": "NY",
            "country": 1,
            "postalCode": "12701"

Response Parameters (v2.2)

Body Response Example (JSON)

    "suppressTechnologyFee": true,
    "transactionId": "7a3a7eda-e647-4a60-9586-12582f31fcbb",
    "transactionCode": "WEB",
    "transactionOrigin": "WebForm",
    "refundOrigin": 0,
    "billingContact": {
        "name": {
            "title": null,
            "firstName": "John",
            "middleName": null,
            "lastName": "Doe"
        "companyName": null,
        "department": null,
        "fax": null,
        "phone": "8003213388",
        "alternatePhone": null,
        "mobile": null,
        "email": null,
        "url": null,
        "address": {
            "addressLine1": "30",
            "addressLine2": "Memorial Drive",
            "city": "Avon ",
            "state": "NY",
            "country": 1,
            "postalCode": "12701",
            "timeZone": null
    "referenceTransactionId": null,
    "transactionDate": "04-01-2024 14:38:55",
    "merchantId": "nZ8gAqvo",
    "ipAddress": "",
    "operationType": "Sale",
    "channelType": "CreditCard",
    "processMethod": "CardNotPresent",
    "paymentType": "OpenPayment",
    "paymentCategory": "MerchantPayment",
    "processorName": "Adyen",
    "tenderInfo": {
        "bankName": null,
        "routingNumber": null,
        "rawMICRLine": null,
        "accountType": null,
        "checkType": null,
        "checkNumber": null,
        "nameOnCheck": null,
        "accountHolderName": null,
        "accountCategory": null,
        "cardHolderName": "John Doe",
        "cardType": "VISA",
        "maskCardNumber": "****0008",
        "binNumber": "4151 5",
        "cardExpiry": "0330",
        "captureAmount": 283.0,
        "amount": 278.0,
        "tipAmount": 0.0,
        "convenienceAmount": 0.0,
        "taxAmount": 0.0,
        "taxAfterDiscount": false,
        "taxPercent": 0.0,
        "adjustmentPercentValue": 0.0,
        "adjustmentFixedValue": 5.0,
        "adjustmentAmount": 5.0,
        "adjustmentDisplayName": "Technology Fee",
        "adjustmentDescriptorMessage": "AndDone applies a technology fee on all electronic payments.",
        "paymentAdjustmentType": "ConvenienceFee",
        "preAuthCode": null,
        "maskAccount": null,
        "accountToken": null,
        "accountTokenMessage": null,
        "createAccountToken": false,
        "discountType": "Fixed",
        "discountPercent": 0.0,
        "discountAmount": 0.0,
        "commissionType": "Percentage",
        "commissionValue": 0.0,
        "currency": null,
        "fullAccountNumber": null
    "referenceCustomerId": null,
    "customerAccountId": null,
    "invoiceNo": null,
    "referenceNo": "PMT-543216827",
    "remarks": null,
    "terminalId": "VT000356",
    "transactionStatus": "Authorized",
    "previousTransactionStatus": "Posted",
    "transactionResult": {
        "success": true,
        "processorAuthCode": "Authorised",
        "traceNumber": "CDPFXJX8N4992P65",
        "reasonCode": null,
        "reasonMessage": null,
        "additionResultData": null,
        "additionResultData2": "{\"additionalData\":{\"PaymentMethod\":\"visa\",\"NetworkTxReference\":\"729701738322760\",\"CardBin\":\"415150\",\"CardSummary\":\"0008\",\"CardHolderName\":\"John Doe\",\"ExpiryDate\":\"3/2030\",\"RealtimeAccountUpdaterStatus\":null,\"Recurring.RecurringDetailReference\":null,\"Recurring.ShopperReference\":null},\"PspReference\":\"CDPFXJX8N4992P65\",\"RefusalReason\":null,\"ResultCode\":\"Authorised\",\"RefusalReasonCode\":null,\"amount\":{\"Currency\":\"USD\",\"Value\":28300},\"MerchantReference\":\"PMT-543216827\"}",
        "verificationStatus": true,
        "verification1Code": null,
        "verification2Code": null,
        "errorCode": null,
        "errorMessage": null,
        "merchantReference": "PMT-543216827"
    "invoiceId": null,
    "additionalFields": null,
    "settlementDate": null,
    "merchantName": null,
    "merchantDBAName": "SnehalRefund",
    "splits": null,
    "paymentDescription": null,
    "refundTransactions": null,
    "totalRefundAmount": 0.0,
    "remainingAmount": 0.0,
    "chargebackReason": null,
    "chargebackReasonCode": null,
    "chargebackDateTime": "",
    "subTotalAmount": 0.0