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DELETE Inactivate Account Token

The Inactivate Account Token method enables a merchant to inactivate a token representing a customer's payment method. Once a token is inactivated, it will not be accepted as a payment method in transactions.

The Inactivate Account Token method enables a merchant to inactivate a token representing a customer's payment method. Once a token is inactivated, it will not be accepted as a payment method in transactions.

API Endpoint{{env_merchantId}}/tokens/{{selfToken}}/activations

This API is used to inactivate an account token.

API Data Details
URI merchants/{{env_merchantId}}/tokens/{{selfToken}}/activations
Authorization Bearer Token Authorization
Token {token}
Request Headers
Origin URL or IP address provided to AndDone as an allowed origin.
x-version API version (e.g., 2.1)
Content-Type application/json

Path Parameters

Parameter Description
env_merchantId Unique Merchant ID
selfToken The account token to be inactivated. Unique identifier representing the customer's payment method.

Body Response Example (JSON)

    "id": "PZdOnJ8Q",
    "merchantId": "L68KYyvo",
    "selfToken": "KYNM9OEKDKGD6MOZ",
    "tokenProvider": "Self",
    "nameOnAccount": "John B Smith",
    "encryptedAccount": "uAECAwB4PyRd/mzgGTkH1MFiL9cJ1lCXTuVko8gex+TkcNMhX1oB7M2tPqolH9wAl40DMjyQMAAAAH4wfAYJKoZIhvcNAQcGoG8wbQIBADBoBgkqhkiG9w0BBwEwHgYJYIZIAWUDBAEuMBEEDAIW3iRSSW9v6UGgJAIBEIA7ty4XREO7mwljUDApavownQGJhzkSxm6PvxpbPNa6EfGQddVnNObuy85jtPUYuosjAvX0038auxRaYbYKLmHlYC8GnzyhBCuwlep4nznawQSNPVJDw4smzrZJ6g==",
    "maskedAccountNumber": "****6789",
    "cardBin": "",
    "cardExpiry": "",
    "cardBrand": "",
    "routingNumber": "011000138",
    "issuerBank": "JPMorgan Chase",
    "channelType": "ACH",
    "processMethod": "ACH",
    "tokenStatus": "Deactivate",
    "address": null,
    "providerTokenMessage": null,
    "response": null,
    "accountType": "checking",
    "accountCategory": "Unknown",
    "createdOn": "03-31-2023 00:49:42",
    "createdBy": "System",
    "modifiedOn": "04-04-2023 19:18:55",
    "modifiedBy": "System"