POST Get Payment Details by Transaction ID
The Get Payment Details by Transaction ID API allows you to retrieve payment details for a specific transaction by providing the Transaction ID.
The Get Payment Details by Transaction ID method allows you to retrieve payment details for a specific transaction by providing the Transaction ID.
API Endpoint | |
API Data | Details |
URI | secure/paymentsdetails |
Method | POST |
Authorization | API Key Authorization |
Authorization | |
x-api-key | API key {env_merchantAccessKey} |
Request Headers | |
x-app-key | Merchant ID or App Key {env_merchantId} |
x-version | API version (e.g., 2.1). If no version is specified, the call will default to version 2.0 of the API. |
Origin | URL or IP address provided to AndDone as an allowed origin. |
Content-Type | application/json |
Request Parameters
Field Name | Data Type | Mandatory | Field Length | Description |
id | String | true | NA | The unique transaction ID. |
Type | String | true | NA | The type of payment. Inputs accepted are 'AnytimePayment, PaymentIntent, PaymentLink, OpenPayment'. |
Body Request Example (JSON)
"id": "14999ebe-3068-492d-837a-30ad9a2fa406",
"Type": "OpenPayment"
Response Parameters
Body Response Example (JSON)
"chargeBackAmount": null,
"transactionId": "14999ebe-3068-492d-837a-30ad9a2fa406",
"transactionCode": "WEB",
"billingContact": {
"name": {
"title": null,
"firstName": "Azhar",
"middleName": null,
"lastName": "Dave"
"companyName": null,
"department": null,
"fax": null,
"phone": "8003213388",
"alternatePhone": null,
"mobile": null,
"email": null,
"url": null,
"address": {
"addressLine1": "30",
"addressLine2": "Memorial Drive",
"city": "Avon ",
"state": "NY",
"country": 1,
"postalCode": "12701",
"timeZone": null
"transactionDate": "05-02-2024 12:29:06",
"merchantId": "ABv9G58a",
"ipAddress": "",
"channelType": "CreditCard",
"processMethod": "CardNotPresent",
"processorName": "Adyen",
"transactionOrigin": "WebForm",
"refundOrigin": 0,
"achTenderInfo": null,
"ccTenderInfo": {
"cardHolderName": "Dawe",
"cardType": "VISA",
"maskCardNumber": "****0008",
"cardExpiry": "0330",
"captureAmount": 2859,
"amount": 2800,
"convenienceAmount": 0,
"binNumber": "415150",
"taxAmount": 0,
"taxAfterDiscount": false,
"taxPercent": 0,
"adjustmentPercentValue": 2,
"adjustmentFixedValue": 3,
"adjustmentAmount": 59,
"adjustmentDisplayName": "Technology Fee",
"adjustmentDescriptorMessage": "AndDone applies a technology fee on all electronic payments.",
"paymentAdjustmentType": "ConvenienceFee",
"preAuthCode": null,
"maskAccount": null,
"accountToken": null,
"accountTokenMessage": null,
"createAccountToken": false,
"discountType": "Fixed",
"discountPercent": 0,
"discountAmount": 0,
"commissionType": "Fixed",
"commissionValue": 1
"debitCardTenderInfo": null,
"referenceCustomerId": null,
"customerAccountId": null,
"invoiceNo": null,
"referenceNo": "REference_116",
"remarks": null,
"terminalId": "VT000368",
"transactionStatus": "Failed",
"transactionResult": {
"success": false,
"processorAuthCode": "Refused",
"traceNumber": "JS6TLKBMKRQWFL65",
"reasonCode": "2",
"reasonMessage": null,
"additionResultData": "Refused",
"additionResultData2": "{\"additionalData\":{\"PaymentMethod\":\"visa\",\"NetworkTxReference\":\"375523876888973\",\"CardBin\":\"415150\",\"CardSummary\":\"0008\",\"CardHolderName\":\"Dawe\",\"ExpiryDate\":\"3/2030\",\"RealtimeAccountUpdaterStatus\":null,\"Recurring.RecurringDetailReference\":null,\"Recurring.ShopperReference\":null},\"PspReference\":\"JS6TLKBMKRQWFL65\",\"RefusalReason\":\"Refused\",\"ResultCode\":\"Refused\",\"RefusalReasonCode\":\"2\",\"amount\":null,\"MerchantReference\":\"REference_116\"}",
"verificationStatus": true,
"verification1Code": null,
"verification2Code": null,
"errorCode": "PD0001",
"errorMessage": "Refused",
"merchantReference": "REference_116"
"invoiceId": null,
"paymentLinkId": null,
"additionalFields": null,
"settlementDate": null,
"paymentType": "OpenPayment",
"paymentCategory": "MerchantPayment",
"transactionEntitySplitResponses": [],
"refundTransactions": null,
"chargebackTargetAccount": null