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Payment Link Webhook Payloads

This page describes the webhook payloads related to Payment Links.

This page describes the webhook payloads related to Payment Links.

The Payment Link webhook module includes webhook notifications for the following events:

  • PaymentLinkCreated - This payload notification is sent when a new payment link is successfully created. It marks the beginning of the payment link transaction process.
  • PaymentLinkActivated - This payload notification is sent when a payment link is activated. It enables merchants to track when a link becomes available for customers to make payments.
  • PaymentLinkInitiated - This payload notification is sent when a customer submits a payment using a payment link. It enables merchants to track customer engagement and the advancement of payment transactions through these links.
  • PaymentLinkExpired - This payload notification is sent when a payment link reaches its expiration date or when it is manually expired by the merchant. It helps in monitoring the validity period and active status of payment links.
  • PaymentLinkDeActivated - This payload notification is sent when a payment link is deactivated, typically after a customer has used the link to submit a payment. It enables merchants to confirm the inactive status of links that have been used in a single payment transaction.

This table provides a reference to the fields included in Payment Link webhook payloads.

Field Data Type Description MinLength MaxLength
EventCode Enumeration PaymentLinkCreated, PaymentLinkActivated, PaymentLinkDeActivated, PaymentLinkExpired, PaymentLinkInitiated 1 36
EventDateTime string Date and time of the event. 36 36
EventBody array Detailed information related to the authorized transaction (see below) N/A N/A
- MerchantId string Unique identifier of merchant 8 8
- PaymentLinkId string Unique identifier of Payment Link 8 8
- Title string Title for Payment Link 1 100
- Amount string Transaction Amount 1 9
- PaymentDescription string Payment Description 1 500
- ShortDescription string Short Description 1 100
- ExpireOn string Expartion date and time of the payment link 8 8
- LinkStatus Enumeration Created, Enabled, Disabled, Expired, Paid, PaymentInitiated 1 50
- NotificationType Enumeration PaymentLinkCreated, PaymentLinkActivated, PaymentLinkDeActivated, PaymentLinkExpired, PaymentLinkInitiated 36
- NotificationDate string Date and time when the notification was sent 36 36
- ReasonCode string Reason code 36 36
- TimeZone string Time zone for the NotificationDate 8 8
AdditionalFields string Additional metadata values related to the webhook 1 100
Signature string HMAC value used to validate webhook 1 100
"EventCode": "PaymentLinkCreated",
"EventDateTime": "12-13-2023 07:42:58",
"EventBody": {
"Id": "gxVm2lVv",
"MerchantId": "4bvl9KxM",
"Title": "PL-20231312061243",
"Amount": 127.28,
"PaymentDescription": "Insurance premium installment.",
"ShortDecription": null,
"ExpireOn": "12-20-2023 07:42:57",
"LinkStatus": "Enabled",
"NotificationType": "PaymentLinkCreated",
"NotificationDate": "12-13-2023 07:42:58",
"ReasonCode": "PaymentLink created",
"TimeZone": "Eastern"
"AdditionalFields": "",
"Signature": "kM+CJSVt8atnekzMpYpUM9T3r+NV/xXF191O6R6aoLk="