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Payment Links

POST Expire Payment Link

This API is used to expire an active payment link, effectively invalidating the link. The link will no longer be usable for payment.

Webhook Notifications: This API supports webhook notifications for real-time tracking of payment link events. To receive notifications, subscribe to the Payment Link webhook module in the AndDone Merchant Portal. For detailed payload and event information, see Payment Link Webhook Payloads.

API Endpoint
API Data Details
URI secure/paymentlinks/expirations
Method POST
Authorization API Key Authorization
x-api-key API key {env_merchantAccessKey}
Request Headers
x-app-key Merchant ID or App Key {env_merchantId}
x-version API version (e.g., 2.1)
Origin URL or IP address provided to AndDone as an allowed origin.
Content-Type application/json

Request Parameters

Field Name Data Type Mandatory Field Length Description

Body Request Example (JSON)


Response Parameters

Body Response Example (JSON)