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Premium Finance Lite

Using the Premium Finance Lite API

The Premium Finance Lite secure API enables merchants to integrate premium finance quoting capabilities into their existing applications. Using the API, the merchant generates an IPFS financing quote and then provides a payment link to the customer, allowing them to submit a payment.

The Premium Finance Lite API payment flow comprises the following steps:

  1. The customer elects to purchase an insurance policy at a dollar amount quoted by the merchant.
  2. The merchant application calls the POST Generate Premium Finance Lite Quote method using the information collected about the insured, the policy, the total premium amount, and the IPFS program ID.
  3. The AndDone server generates the premium finance quote and returns the quote details including a unique quoteKey to the merchant server.
  4. The merchant application uses the quoteKey to call the POST Generate Premium Finance Lite Payment Link method.
  5. The POST Generate Premium Finance Lite Payment Link method returns the paymentLink URL, which the merchant shares with the customer.
  6. The customer accesses the payment link URL and submits their payment.

Generating a Premium Finance Lite Quote

The Premium Finance Lite process is initiated by calling the POST Generate Premium Finance Lite Quote method.

POST Generate Premium Finance Lite Quote Request

The POST Generate Premium Finance Lite Quote Request body includes the following information.

Merchant Information

The the unique merchant ID and contact information:

    "merchantId": "4bvl9KxM",
    "merchant": {
        "contactName": "Azhar Dave",
        "contactPhone": "0123456789"

Insured Information

The Insured object includes names, contact numbers, and address details of the insured:

    "insured": {
        "firstName": "Pawan",
        "lastName": "Final",
        "mobilePhoneNumber": "9876009870",
        "faxNumber": null,
        "emailAddress": "[email protected]",
        "isCancellationWarningViaTextEnabled": true,
        "address": {
            "Address1": "1055",
            "Address2": "Broadway Blvd",
            "City": "Kansas City",
            "State": "MO",
            "Zip": "64105",
            "PhoneNumber": null

Program Information

The program object indicates the IPFS finance program programId to be used for the quote and the type of loan loanTyperequested: Commercial or Personal.

To automate the EPF process, it is essential to have logic in place that can determine the appropriate program to use for a specific insured or policy. The Premium Finance Lite API does not provide the logic for selecting the optimal program. It generates a quote against the program ID that is specified in the POST Generate Premium Finance Lite Quote request.

    "program": {
        "programId": 82262,
        "loanType": "Personal"

Policy Information

The policies array contains information about the insurance policies that are being financed, including premium amounts, policy dates, coverage types, and details about the insurance carrier.

    "policies": [
            "premium": 32728,
            "effectiveDate": "04-24-2024 00:00:00",
            "expirationDate": "08-30-2024 00:00:00",
            "coverageType": "FIRE",
            "cancelDays": "Item20",
            "additionalFees": 00,
            "minimumEarnedPercent": null,
            "policyNumber": "TestNumber2",
            "carrier": {
                "name": "OCCIDENTAL FIRE & CASUALTY CO OF NO",
                "bestNumber": "2312",
                "uniqueId": "23248"

Premium Finance Lite Quote Response

The POST Generate Premium Finance Lite Quote method returns the details of the finance quote, including the down payment amount, amount financed, finance charge, installment amount, and number of installments. The response also includes the quoteKey, which is used in the POST Generate Premium Finance Lite Payment Link method to generate a payment link.

    "isSuccess": true,
    "message": "Sucess",
    "integrationID": "6635e4df-bbe7-421a-804f-8f5f53a3059d",
    "item": {
        "quoteKey": 26065385,
        "premium": 32728.0,
        "downAmount": 4909.2,
        "amountFinanced": 27818.8,
        "financeCharge": 1447.9,
        "totalPayments": 29266.7,
        "paymentAmount": 2926.67,
        "docStamp": 0.0,
        "firstDueDate": "2024-05-24T00:00:00",
        "apr": 0.112,
        "installments": 10,
        "batchId": null,
        "paymentsRetained": 0,
        "paymentRetainedAmount": 0.0,
        "unsignedPFAUrl": "",
        "retailAgentRegisterLoginURL": "",
        "eSignResult": {
            "processed": false,
            "message": null,
            "batchId": null,
            "agentUrl": null,
            "insuredUrl": null,
            "eSignOption": 0
        "errors": null,
        "pfa": null,
        "electronicSignatureURL": ""

POST Generate Quote Response Fields

Field Name Data Type Description
isSuccess Boolean Indicates if the quote generation was successful.
message String API call success status.
IntegrationID String Unique identifier for the API call generated by IPFS.
item Object This object contains the details of the premium finance quote.
quoteKey Numeric Uniques IPFS identifier for the generated quote.
premium Numeric Quoted premium amount of policy.
downAmount Numeric Amount to be collected as the down payment.
amountFinanced Numeric Amount that will be financed after the down payment.
financeCharge Numeric Cost of financing charged by IPFS.
totalPayments Numeric Total amount to be paid after down payment. This is amountFinanced + financeCharge.
paymentAmount Numeric The amount of the individual installments.
docStamp Numeric Not currently in use. In the future, this will indicate the documentation filing fee from IPFS for states that require it (based on the state where the Insured resides).
firstDueDate String Date on which the first installment payment is due.
apr Numeric The annual percentage rate charged on the financed amount (4.56 = 4.56%).
Installments Numeric Total number of installment payments to be made.
batchID String The intent token associated with this quote.
paymentsRetained Numeric Number of installments included in the down payment if the effective date of the policy is in the past.
paymentsRetainedAmount Numeric Amount of installments included in the down payment if the effective date of the policy is in the past.
unsignedPFAUrl String Link to hosted PFA (Not Signed)
retailAgentRegisterLogin String Not currently in use.
eSignResult Object This object contains details about the eSign process.
processed boolean Indicates whether the Esignature was processed.
message string Status message related to esign process.
batchID string The unique batch ID for the Esignature.
agentURL string URL to agent eSign.
insuredURL string URL to insured eSign.
eSignOption string 2 = eSign for agent only 3 = eSign the PFA then send to the insured (via email link) for their signature via ESign 4 = Insured signs (via email link or return URL) the PFA then sends to Agent (via email link for agent signature. 5 = eSign for agent and insured both (existing 2a still supported).
errors String Description of any error returned by the API call.
pfa String Not used at this time.
electronicSignatureURL String The URL of the agent login with IPFS that can be used to make a payment directly on the IPFS system. The user must have an IPFS username and password to access this URL.

To generate a payment link, the quoteKey returned from the quote request is passed in the POST Generate Premium Finance Lite Payment Link method.

If the customer has opted for the premium finance option, set the isPayInFull parameter to false. If the customer has opted to pay the total premium amount in full, set isPayInFull to true.

    "quoteKey": "26065373",
    "isPayInFull": false

The paymentLink URL is returned in the POST Generate PF Lite Payment Link response. This URL can be shared with customers through Email, SMS, or social media. When a customer accesses the payment link URL, they are directed to a secure, AndDone-hosted payment page, where they can submit their payment.

    "id": "RdQRnobv",
    "merchantId": "4jdew2xz",
    "title": "PL-26068787",
    "paymentLink": "",
    "shortLink": "",
    "amount": 4909.2,
    "paymentDescription": "26068787",
    "expireIn": 10,
    "expireInUnit": "Weeks",
    "expireOn": "07-08-2024 20:26:32",
    "applyPaymentAdjustments": null,
    "enablePartialPayment": false,
    "enableMultiplePayment": false,
    "noOfPaymentMade": 0,
    "totalPaidAmount": 0.0,
    "enableProtection": false,
    "protectionMode": null,
    "displayReceipt": null,
    "linkStatus": "Enabled",
    "invoiceNumber": null,
    "createdOn": "04-29-2024 20:26:32",
    "createdBy": "MerchantABC",
    "modifiedOn": "04-29-2024 20:26:32",
    "modifiedBy": "MerchantABC",
    "shortDescription": null,
    "responseType": "OnScreen",
    "callbackParameters": null,
    "displaySettings": {
        "selectedCustomerFields": null,
        "additionalDetailsPreference": "NoAdditionalDetails",
        "displaySummary": false,
        "acceptCustomerInfo": false,
        "removeHeader": false,
        "acceptCard": false,
        "acceptBankAccount": false,
        "saveCustomer": false,
        "saveCustomerAccount": false,
        "intent": {
            "paymentTypes": [
    "splits": [
            "virtualAccount": "IPFS_DEFAULT",
            "amount": 4909.2,
            "reference": null,
            "chargeIndicator": false
    "saveForFuture": null,
    "quoteKey": "26068787",
    "accountNumber": null,
    "referenceType": "None",
    "referenceNumber": null,
    "referenceKey": null,
    "referenceDataList": [
            "referenceType": "QuoteId",
            "referenceNumber": "26068787",
            "referenceKey": null
    "enablePremiumFinance": true,
    "suppressTechnologyFee": false