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Premium Finance Webhook Payloads

This page describes the webhook payloads for premium finance events in AndDone.

Premium Finance Webhook Events

The Premium Finance webhook module includes webhook notifications for the following events:

  • PremiumFinance.OnAccountBooked: This payload notification is sent when a premium finance quote is booked by IPFS. Booking occurs when the terms of the finance agreement are accepted, and the quote transitions from a provisional to a confirmed status.

Premium Finance Webhook Payload Fields

The following table provides a reference to the fields included in Premium Finance webhook payloads.

Field Data Type Description MinLength MaxLength
EventCode Enumeration AccountBooked 12 12
EventDateTime string Date/time when the quote was generated. 19 19
EventBody object Detailed information related to the account booked. N/A N/A
- QuoteKey string The unique key provided by IPFS for the premium finance quote. 8 20
- IsQuoteEndorsement boolean Indicates whether the quote is for an endorsement or a new policy. N/A N/A
- AccountNumber string The unique account number assigned to the premium finance agreement by IPFS. 9 20
- Version integer Version of the event data structure. 1 1
AdditionalFields string Any additional metadata values related to the webhook, if applicable. N/A N/A
Signature string HMAC value used to validate the integrity of the webhook data. 44 44
Version integer Version number of the webhook payload format. 1 1

Payload Example: Account Booked

    "EventCode": "AccountBooked",
    "EventDateTime": "05-31-2024 16:57:48",
    "EventBody": {
    "QuoteKey": "24324147",  
    "IsQuoteEndorsement": "False", 
    "AccountNumber": "CAB-2255084", 
    "Version": 1
    "AdditionalFields": null,
    "Signature": null,
    "Version": 1