PUT Capture eSign Details
The PUT Capture eSign Details method collects electronic signature details from a customer consenting to the terms of a premium finance payment agreement. This method performs three key functions:
- It captures the eSign details provided by the customer, including the
Quote Key
,Insured Name
, andIP address
from which the eSign information was sent. - It identifies the payment link associated with the provided Premium Finance Lite
Quote Key
. - It updates this payment link with the captured eSign information.
This operation is crucial for validating user consent and ensuring the integrity of the electronic signature process linked to the payment agreement.
API Endpoint |
https://api.uat.anddone.com/secure/epf/quotes/captureesign |
API Data | Details |
URI | secure/epf/quotes/captureesign |
Method | PUT |
Authorization | API Key Authorization |
Authorization | |
x-api-key | API key {env_merchantAccessKey} |
Request Headers | |
x-app-key | Merchant ID or App Key {env_merchantId} |
x-version | API version (e.g., 2.1). If no version is specified, the call will default to version 2.0 of the API. |
Origin | URL or IP address provided to AndDone as an allowed origin. |
Content-Type | application/json |
Request Parameters
Field Name | Data Type | Mandatory | Field Length | Description |
Body Request Example (JSON)
Upon successful execution, the method returns a status code 200 (OK), indicating that the payment link was successfully updated with the eSign details. No response body is returned.