Subscribing to Webhook Notifications
To receive webhook notifications for a specific event, subscribe to the corresponding webhook event module in the AndDone Merchant Portal. The following webhook event modules are available:
To subscribe to a webhook event module:
- In the left column of the Merchant Portal, select Developer > Webhooks. The Webhook Management screen is displayed.
- Click the Add Webhook button. The New Webhook Endpoint window is displayed.
- In the URL field, enter the endpoint URL that you want to register to receive the webhook events.
- Click the Modules field, and select the checkbox beside the module that you want to subscribe to for the given endpoint.
- Click the Version field, and select the version of the selected webhook that you want to subscribe to for the given endpoint.
- In the Authentication Types field, enter the type of authentication used by your endpoint.
- Depending on the selected authentication type, enter the required authentication parameters in the displayed fields.
- In the HMAC Key field enter the Hash-based Message Authentication Code key that will be used key used to generate and verify the integrity and authenticity of webhook payloads.
- Click Save. The endpoint is registered with the selected webhook module subscriptions.