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Token Link Webhook Payloads

This page describes the webhook payloads related to Token Links.

The Token Link webhook module includes webhook notifications for the following events:

  • TokenLinkCreated: This payload notification is sent when a new token link is generated.
  • TokenLinkUpdated: This payload notification is sent when an existing token link is updated. It helps in monitoring and recording token link activity.
  • TokenLinkModified: This payload notification is sent when any modification is made to token link settings or parameters.

This table provides a reference to the fields included in Token Link webhook payloads.

Field Data Type Description MinLength MaxLength
EventCode Enumeration TokenLinkCreate, TokenLinkUpdated, TokenLinkModified 1 36
EventDateTime string Date and time of event. 36 36
EventBody array Detailed information related to the authorized transaction (see below) N/A N/A
- MerchantId string Unique identifier of merchant 8 8
- TokenLinkId string Unique identifier of Token Link 8 8
- Title string Merchant-assigned title or ID for the token link 1 100
- MerchantReference string Merchant reference value 1 500
- PaymentMethods string Supported payment methods 1 500
- TokenLinkStatus Enumeration Created, Completed, Expired, Invalidated, Failed 1 50
- ExpireOn string Expiration date and time for the token link 36 36
- NotificationType Enumeration TokenLinkCreate, TokenLinkUpdated, TokenLinkModified 36
- NotificationDate string Date and time when the notification was sent. 36 36
- ReasonCode string Reason code 36 36
- TimeZone string The time zone for the NotificationDate 8 8
AdditionalFields string Additional metadata values related to the webhook 1 100
Signature string HMAC value used to validate webhook 1 100
    "EventCode": "TokenLinkCreated",
    "EventDateTime": "12-19-2023 17:41:01",
    "EventBody": {
    "TokenLinkId": "DxL3QA2v",
    "MerchantId": "4bvl9KxM",
    "Title": "PMT-498760321313",
    "MerchantReference": null,
    "PaymentMethods": "ACH,CreditCard,DebitCard",
    "ExpireOn": "01-18-2024 17:40:41",
    "TokenLinkStatus": "Created",
    "NotificationType": "TokenLinkCreated",
    "NotificationDate": "12-19-2023 17:41:01",
    "ReasonCode": "TokenLink created",
    "TimeZone": "Eastern"
    "AdditionalFields": "",
    "Signature": null