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Using Refunds

The secure refund APIs allow you to refund a settled payment transaction. Funds are refunded to the credit/debit card or ACH account, which was used in the payment transaction.

The secure refund APIs allow you to refund a settled payment transaction. Funds are refunded to the credit/debit card or ACH account, which was used in the payment transaction.

Note: The refund APIs currently support refunds of the total payment transaction amount only. Partial amount refunds are not supported.

The refund process comprises two steps:

  1. The merchant calls the POST Retrieve Refund Eligibility method to determine if the payment transaction is currently eligible to be refunded.
  2. If the POST Retrieve Refund Eligibility response indicates that the transaction is eligible for refund, the merchant calls the POST Secure Refund Payment method to process the refund.


To process refunds, the merchant must have the Refund Collection feature enabled. Contact your AndDone administrator if Refund Collection is not enabled.

Checking Refund Eligibility

Before submitting a refund payment request, the merchant must verify that the payment transaction is eligible for refund. To be eligible for refund, a payment transaction must be successfully processed and settled two business days prior to the date when the refund payment request is submitted.

To check the eligibility of the payment transaction for refund, call the POST Retrieve Refund Eligibility method. This method requires the unique transaction identifier (TransactionId) for the payment transaction to be refunded.

Example: POST Retrieve Refund Eligibility request body

   "TransactionId": "8241f0b3-9976-42d8-9e03-b640292f6549"

The POST Retrieve Refund Eligibility method returns the eligibility status of the specified payment transaction.

Examples: POST Retrieve Refund Eligibility response

If the transaction is eligible for refund, a refundEligible value of true is returned.


If the transaction is not eligible for for refund, a message is returned stating the reason for ineligibility.

    "message": "Key_InProgressTransactionCanNotBeRefunded"
    "description": "",                                     
    "errors": []                                           

Requesting a Refund Payment

If the payment transaction is eligible for a refund, you can submit a refund payment request by calling the POST Secure Refund Payment method. This method requires the unique transaction identifier (TransactionId) for the payment transaction to be refunded and the amount of the payment. Note that the amount to be refunded must equal the total dollar amount of the payment. Partial refunds are not currently supported.

   "RefundAmount": 128.00,
   "TransactionId": "8241f0b3-9976-42d8-9e03-b640292f6549",
   "RefundDetail": "Refund down payment amount.",
   "RefundReason": "Incorrect amount charged."

If successful, the POST Secure Refund Payment method returns:

  • The transactionID , traceNumber and refundReference associated with the refund payment.
  • The details of the original payment transaction, including payment method, billing contact, amount and the original payment transaction ID referenceTransactionID.

Example: POST Secure Refund Payment response

    "transactionId": "940636ae-d74e-4b9a-b7bc-35c560720be5",
    "traceNumber": "JSTFJRRD43LWFL65",
    "transactionCode": "WEB",
    "transactionOrigin": "WebForm",
    "refundOrigin": "API",
    "billingContact": {
        "name": {
            "title": null,
            "firstName": "Joe",
            "middleName": null,
            "lastName": "Jackson"
        "companyName": null,
        "department": null,
        "fax": null,
        "phone": "8003213388",
        "alternatePhone": null,
        "mobile": null,
        "email": null,
        "url": null,
        "address": {
            "addressLine1": "30",
            "addressLine2": "Memorial Drive",
            "city": "Avon ",
            "state": "NY",
            "country": 1,
            "postalCode": "12701",
            "timeZone": null
    "shippingContact": null,
    "referenceTransactionId": "8241f0b3-9976-42d8-9e03-b640292f6549",
    "transactionDate": "01-11-2024 10:36:37",
    "merchantId": "4bvl9KxM",
    "ipAddress": "",
    "operationType": "Refund",
    "channelType": "CreditCard",
    "processMethod": "CardNotPresent",
    "processorName": "Adyen",
    "isDebit": false,
    "tenderInfo": {
        "bankName": null,
        "routingNumber": null,
        "rawMICRLine": null,
        "accountType": null,
        "checkType": null,
        "checkNumber": null,
        "nameOnCheck": null,
        "accountHolderName": null,
        "accountCategory": null,
        "cardHolderName": "Joe Jackson",
        "cardType": "VISA",
        "maskCardNumber": "****0008",
        "binNumber": null,
        "cardExpiry": "0330",
        "cvData": null,
        "cvDataStatus": "NS",
        "trackData": null,
        "healthCareAccountType": null,
        "rxAmount": 0.0,
        "visionAmount": null,
        "dentalAmount": null,
        "clinicAmount": null,
        "isCheckCard": false,
        "captureAmount": 128.0,
        "amount": 128.0,
        "tipAmount": 0.0,
        "convenienceAmount": 0.0,
        "taxAmount": 0.0,
        "taxAfterDiscount": false,
        "taxPercent": 0.0,
        "adjustmentPercentValue": null,
        "adjustmentFixedValue": null,
        "adjustmentAmount": null,
        "adjustmentDisplayName": null,
        "adjustmentDescriptorMessage": null,
        "paymentAdjustmentType": "None",
        "preAuthCode": null,
        "maskAccount": null,
        "epb": null,
        "ksn": null,
        "cashBackAmount": 0.0,
        "accountToken": null,
        "accountTokenMessage": null,
        "createAccountToken": false,
        "discountType": "Fixed",
        "discountPercent": 0.0,
        "discountAmount": 0.0,
        "commissionType": 0,
        "commissionValue": null
    "referenceCustomerId": null,
    "customerAccountId": null,
    "invoiceNo": null,
    "poNo": null,
    "referenceNo": "Reference_1032",
    "remarks": null,
    "recurringType": "Installment",
    "recurringId": null,
    "installmentNumber": null,
    "installmentCount": null,
    "allowDuplicates": false,
    "verificationEnabled": false,
    "sentSuccessNotification": false,
    "sentFailedNotification": false,
    "trainingMode": false,
    "terminalId": "VT000085",
    "isOffline": false,
    "transactionStatus": "PendingForAuthorized",
    "previousTransactionStatus": "Created",
    "transactionResult": null,
    "level": 0,
    "partnerId": null,
    "orderId": null,
    "invoiceId": null,
    "paymentLinkId": null,
    "additionalFields": null,
    "settlementDate": null,
    "paymentReference": "Reference_1032",
    "refundReference": "940636ae-d74e-4b9a-b7bc-35c560720be5"

If the refund request is unsuccessful, the POST Secure Refund Payment returns a message indicating the reason that the refund request was not completed.

    "message": "Key_AlreadyRefundedTransaction",
    "description": "",
    "errors": []

Refund Eligibility and Payment Request Messages

The following table describes the messages returned by the POST Retrieve Refund Eligibility and POST Secure Refund Payment Request methods.

Message Description
Key_BatchedTransactionCanNotBeRefund The payment transaction is part of a batch and cannot be refunded.
Key_IPFSTransactionCanNotBeRefund This is a merchant payment transaction made on behalf of IPFS and cannot be refunded using this API.
Key_CommerceBankTransactionCanNotBeRefund Transactions processed by Commerce Bank cannot be refunded using this API.
Key_InProgressTransactionCanNotBeRefunded The payment transaction is currently in progress and cannot be refunded.
Key_RejectedTransactionCanNotBeRefunded The payment transaction was rejected and cannot be refunded.
Key_ChargebackTransactionCanNotBeRefund The payment transactions is in a chargeback status and cannot be refunded.
Key_SetteledTransactionCanNotBeLessThanTwoBussinessDay The payment transaction was settled within the last two business days and cannot be refunded. Payment transactions must be settled at least two days prior to the refund payment request.
Key_RefundAmountCanNotBeGreaterThanCapturedAmount The specified refund amount is greater than the captured amount for the payment transaction. The reqeusted refund amount must be equal to the amount of the payment transaction.
Key_RefundAmountIsNotValid The selected refund amount is invalid and cannot be processed.
Key_TransactionIdCannotBeEmptyOrNULL An invalid transaction has been selected for refund; the transaction ID cannot be empty or null.
Key_RefundAmountAndCaptureAmountShouldBeEqual Partial refunds are not permitted. The refund amount must be equal to the payment transaction amount.
Key_PlatFormAccountTransactionCanNotBeRefunded Platform account transactions cannot be refunded.