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Void Webhook Payloads

This page describes the voided webhook payloads for transaction events in AndDone.

Void Webhook Events

The Void webhook module includes webhook notifications for the following events:

  • Transaction.OnVoided: This payload notification is sent when a payment transaction is voided by the merchant. Voids must be initiated before a payment transaction is settled. This action might occur for various operational reasons such as transaction errors, customer cancellation requests, or authorization issues.

Void Webhook Payload Fields

The following table provides a reference to the fields included in Void webhook payloads.

Field Data Type Description MinLength MaxLength
EventCode Enumeration TransactionVoided 15 15
EventDateTime string Date/time when the event occurred. 19 19
EventBody object Detailed information related to the voided transaction. N/A N/A
- MerchantId string Unique identifier of the merchant. 8 8
- MerchantReference string Unique transaction reference ID provided by the merchant. 10 40
- TransactionId string Transaction identifier. 36 36
- TransactionDate string Date and time when the transaction was processed. 19 19
- TimeZone string The time zone in which the transaction date was recorded. 6 20
- PSPReference string Reference code provided by the Payment Service Provider. 16 20
- PaymentIntentId string Identifier for the Payment Intent associated with the transaction. 9 20
- PaymentMethod Enumeration Type of payment used (e.g., ACH). 3 3
- TransactionStatus Enumeration Status of the transaction (e.g., Voided). 6 6
- TransactionOrigin Enumeration Origin of the transaction (e.g., PaymentIntent). 13 13
- SettlementDate string Date on which the transaction was intended to be settled, if applicable (null for voided transactions). 0 19
- MaskAccount string A partially masked version of the account number involved in the transaction. 9 17
- RoutingNumber string Bank routing number for the payment, if applicable. 9 9
- Amount float Transaction amount that was intended to be processed. N/A N/A
- FirstName string First name of the customer associated with the transaction. 1 50
- LastName string Last name of the customer associated with the transaction. 1 50
- AddressLine1 string Primary address line of the customer's billing address. 1 100
- AddressLine2 string Secondary address line of the customer's billing address. 0 100
- City string City part of the customer's billing address. 1 50
- State string State part of the customer's billing address. 2 2
- Country string Country part of the customer's billing address. 2 2
- PostalCode string Postal code part of the customer's billing address. 5 10
- Success boolean Indicates whether the void operation was successfully processed. N/A N/A
- ErrorMessage string Any error message associated with the transaction, if applicable. 0 100
- ReasonCode string Any reason for the voided transaction 0 100
- AccountToken string Account token 0 100
- CreateAccountToken string Does Account Token needs to be created 0 100
- Version integer Version number of the webhook payload format. 1 1
AdditionalFields string Additional metadata values related to the webhook, if applicable. N/A N/A
Signature string HMAC value used to validate the integrity of the webhook data. 44 44
Version integer Version number of the webhook payload format. 1 1

Payload Example: Transaction Voided

   "EventCode": "TransactionVoided",
   "EventDateTime": "04-24-2024 10:18:01",
   "EventBody": {
       "MerchantId": "eZdmqkdQ",
       "MerchantReference": "Title_Mouse_907",
       "TransactionId": "b8860de3-c182-4dca-8791-463569ea421e",
       "TransactionDate": "04-24-2024 10:15:05",
       "TimeZone": "Eastern",
       "PSPReference": "WQT3ZOJ7JONHCWQP",
       "PaymentIntentId": "Bv9X7ned",
       "PaymentMethod": "ACH",
       "TransactionStatus": "Voided",
       "TransactionOrigin": "PaymentIntent",
       "SettlementDate": null,
       "MaskAccount": "****6789",
       "RoutingNumber": "011000138",
       "Amount": 510.0,
       "CardType": null,
       "FirstName": "Snehal",
       "LastName": "Waikar",
       "AddressLine1": "41",
       "AddressLine2": "Anawana Lake Road",
       "City": "Monticello",
       "State": "AK",
       "Country": "US",
       "PostalCode": "12701",
       "Success": "True",
       "ErrorMessage": null,
       "ReasonCode": null,
       "AccountToken": null,
       "CreateAccountToken": false,
       "Version": 1
   "AdditionalFields": null,
   "Signature": "Bis1sTWBYrmTS5QwBopu0G50Jjf5fXW8xSu9VBdh4Kc=",
   "Version": 1